Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Donating Your Birthday to BACT

Recently, we caught up with Danyelle, who donated her birthday to BACT on Facebook last month. 

Here's what she had to say. 

Of all organizations to donate your birthday to, why BACT?

Facebook's algorithms are pretty amazing. I search for BACT show information on my phone frequently enough that the sponsored ads for BACT pop up a lot on my feed so when Facebook asked me if I wanted to start a fundraiser for my birthday, the images of BACT as a bright, colorful non-profit ad were stuck in my brain enough for me to remember them and search for them as an organization on Facebook. Social media ad exposure works!

But aside from that, my first experience with BACT has always stuck with me, a rainy Saturday morning, my son and I went to see Bloom Kaboom in Montclair and everything about it was magical. From the sets to the actors to the smile on my toddler's face. I was enchanted. 

My first experience with BACT has always stuck with me, a rainy Saturday morning, my son and I went to see Bloom Kaboom in Montclair and everything about it was magical.

What drew your family to BACT?

I was a new-ish mom looking for resources of things to do with my son on the weekend. I happened upon the Rookie Moms blog which led me to 510families which led me to BACT and it's been a favorite of ours ever since.

What shows have you enjoyed the most, why?

I've enjoyed every show but probably the shows that are for the very young because of the artistry involved in breaking down complex concepts into bite-sized, easy to understand moments for children. 

What do you value most as a family about your experiences at BACT?

I value the time I spend at the performance not glued to my phone and fully present with my child and what we are experiencing together. 

How do you hope your contribution will help bring tolerance to the Bay Area?

I hope that my contribution will help the organization further it's mission and bring the experience of the theatre to children of all backgrounds and income status because the theatre is not just for the privileged, it's an even playing field and everyone starts out the same and that's how life should be. Theatre is a space of exploration and expression and every child should get that opportunity. Putting your self in someone else's place and feeling their feelings is acting, empathy, and fosters tolerance all at the same time. 

 The theatre is not just for the privileged, it's an even playing field and everyone starts out the same and that's how life should be.  

BACT gets parents... They get that kids will need something so before a show starts so there are books or coloring pages, or the entire area of Fairyland. BACT gets that kids are wiggly and so there are interactive elements. I don't have to be worried that my kid will spoil something because BACT artists aren't expecting perfectly behaved children. I'll keep buying tickets and keep going to shows because my son loves them and I love seeing my son captivated by art, in any form.  

Thanks so much Danyelle for helping bring the joy of live theatre to children across the Bay!  Cheers to another great year!

Do you have a story to share with BACT?  Let us know! 

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